Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Been Gone a Long Time

I totally did not realize that I have not been here in so long. I knew I have been busy but geeze. I have been on a break from school but I have a ton of stuff on my mind.

Last year the President of our organization left. Last year the position was filled on a temporary basis but this year the permanent guy is in place. Unfortunately the guy that left also took the V.P. from my dept, Tech. Services. My immediate boss (a Director) had to cover that role for a few months. Two weeks ago we got our new V.P. so our director is back on the job but the complete change in management has me thinking about the multiple ways theses changes could play out for me.

In the meantime, in addition to working as a programmer analyst (full time), I am a full time student. I have been thinking hard about school. I am scheduled for 9 online credits starting at the end of March. In April, I pickup 2 more credits in weekend courses. I really wasn't to concerned about this because I have gotten all A's in my classes so far but I took a class in interm (2 credits in 9 days) and only pulled a C... I was devestated. I am doubting my ability to do well if I attempt to carry all 11 credits for Spring Term.

On top of that, I want to work really hard in my job so that I can be ready for any opportunities that come my way with once my degree is complete (July) or changes to the organization because of the change in management. It is especially important now because of any changes that come with the new management team. Of course one of the reasons I wanted the position I am in right now is to learn the new technical skills I am exposed to, so that means I am studying the technical skills I don't have at work.

Thank God for my family! Thank God for the opportunities that I have been given! Lord help lead me in the direction you would have me go. Please bless me with peace about the journey.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

another busy day

I am feeling torn today. I managed to get a lot done on my thesis surveys today. E-mailed over 150 online instructors and tech services people requesting their input. I am pleased to say I am already getting responses. I spent about 3 hours looking at the last year of online helpdesk tickets, trying to get a handle on catagorization. There almost 1,000 tickets that must be reviewed one by one. The progress I made in surveys was overshadowed by the extensive time to review the tickets. Oh well, one step forward, one step back.

Les (DH) finally agreed to set up a more formal disipline plan for the kids. I hope now that there will be less stress from undone chores and fair distribution of rewards. I depend on the kids alot more now that I am in school full time (plus working full time). Its no fun to pull out the crock pot at 7am and find that the last person who did dishes didn't do a good job. No turkey dinner tonight!

At 12 and 14 I think they can help out without me riding them so much. Here is hoping this experiment works. Already the dog has gotten a bath with out being told (for extra reward credit) and a trip to the shooting range reward enjoyed.

Les has been bartering. He traded a one of our beagle pups for chainsaw and then traded the chainsaw for this new gun. He plans on putting an ad in the paper for the gun. I just hope he gets cash for something eventually!

One more week in my Financial Resources course. YEAH! The Principles of Leadership course is open for pre-work but I haven't had a chance to review. I am trying to get the book for my Political Science course from Brenda. Since it is also an online she doesn't think there will be any problem.... Hope not... stupid book costs $85.

Two more courses in the basic BA program, finish the thesis, and move on to getting those gen eds I never got (29 credits).. I should be done in July '09. Feels like a long way from now.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My First Blog

Here is to the opening of my first blog. Thought it might be a good place to journal about my thoughts and experiences. The biggest things going on in my life are kinda boring but I imagine I will use this as a place to document blessings and complaints.

Had a pretty good weekend. Wanted to make a special dinner for my husband's b-day (was Friday) but really couldn't afford to do his favorite so we just kinda blew it off. We did get a chance to take the kids down to the Hillsdale fair. This is an annual ritual that we really enjoy. The fair always falls on my husband's birthday and he has celebrated his birthday there since he was a kid. The fair is a wonderful old fashioned rural tradition. Tractor pulls, farm animals, cheesy rides and fantastic neighbors. What could be more fun?

I got my homework done earlier than expected this week and although I have a heavy week next week decided to spend today doing something important to me. We have a huge bay window in our living room. One goal that I have had this summer was to get the stupid thing sanded down and repainted so that I don't have to go another year without curtains. I have a beautiful set but made a commitement to myself to not rehang them (after the remodel) until I got that stupid window done. My husband set me up with all sizes and tools for sanding so I didn't expect it to take so long. Problem is the stupid thing has details upon details. I only hope that I can finish before it is too cold to paint.

On top of regular homework I have to work on the survey for my thesis. My next chapter is due in less then two weeks. My job is running full bore with high expectations from management to pull rabbits out of the hat. And guess who drew the month of October for the Bunco club...

More on the planning for that event to come